Transcript level data frame from Example dataset for spatial transcriptional profiling of tissue
The example dataset is based on one run of SMI RNA readout for FFPE melanoma tissue samples. It contains information for 1375 cells with 756783 transcripts within a cropped region of one single FOV of 1 tissue section.
An object of class "data.frame"
with 756783 transcripts in row and 9 variables
- UMI_transID
unique id for transcript
- UMI_cellID
unique id for cell based on original cell segmentaion assignment
- x
spatial coordinate of the transcript in x-axis of the given FOV, unit in micron
- y
spatial coordinate of the transcript in y-axis of the given FOV, unit in micron
- z
spatial coordinate of the transcript in z-axis of the given FOV, unit in micron
- target
gene identity of given transcript
- slide
slide ID of given transcript
- fov
fov ID of given transcript
- CellId
the cell label assignment of given transcript within given FOV based on original cell segmentation
See also
ori_CellStatsDF for corresponding cell level dataset, ori_RawExprs for corresponding cell x gene expression matrix