Programmatic stitching of protein images with napari-cosmx

This post shows how to stitch CosMx® SMI protein images

Evelyn Metzger

Bruker Spatial Biology

Github: eveilyeverafter


February 21, 2025

Figure 1: A small section of CosMx SMI data showing DNA (blue), PanCK (green) and the CD3 protein (yellow).

The napari-cosmx plugin can be used to view CosMx® Spatial Molecular Imager (SMI) RNA and protein data. In a previous post, I showed users how to programmatically stitch RNA exports from AtoMx® Spatial Informatics Platform (SIP). The process used to stitch protein is similar to RNA with some adjustments that are found below.

This tutorial uses version of the napari-cosmx plugin. This version is available as a whl file in the assets folder of the Scratch Space repository. The tutorial below also builds upon the RNA-based post that more broadly covers how to create the napari environment, installing the plugin, and running scripts.

When napari-cosmx is installed, we get a few package scripts that can be called directly. The ones needed to stitch protein are:

1 Exporting protein data

When exporting data from AtoMx SIP, be sure to select “Raw Files” and include Morphology2D, Miscellaneous, and ProteinDir (Figure 2).

Figure 2: Export these components to stitch protein.

2 Stitching immunofluorescence images

This step is identical for RNA and protein.

stitch-images --help
usage: stitch-images [-h] [-i INPUTDIR] [--imagesdir IMAGESDIR] [-o OUTPUTDIR] [-f OFFSETSDIR] [-l] [-u UMPERPX] [-z ZSLICE] [--dotzarr]

Tile CellLabels and morphology TIFFs.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i INPUTDIR, --inputdir INPUTDIR
                        Required: Path to CellLabels and morphology images.
  --imagesdir IMAGESDIR
                        Optional: Path to morphology images, if different than inputdir.
  -o OUTPUTDIR, --outputdir OUTPUTDIR
                        Required: Where to create zarr output.
  -f OFFSETSDIR, --offsetsdir OFFSETSDIR
                        Required: Path to directory location containing a file ending in FOV_Locations.csv or legacy format latest.fovs.csv.
  -l, --labels          
                        Optional: Only stitch labels.
  -u UMPERPX, --umperpx UMPERPX
                        Optional: Override image scale in um per pixel.
                        Instrument-specific values to use:
                        -> beta04 = 0.1228
  -z ZSLICE, --zslice ZSLICE
                        Optional: Z slice to stitch.
                        Optional: Add .zarr extension on multiscale pyramids.


stitch-images -i path/to/CellStatsDir -o path/to/napari_zarr -f /path/to/RunSummary

3 Stitch Protein Images

RNA uses read-targets to create a file that stores the spatial location of RNA transcripts. In contrast, Protein SMI data are more similar to IF TIFF files and so we use the stitch-expression package script to stitch together individual protein files. When complete, protein data will be found in the images/protein subfolder.

stitch-expression --help
usage: stitch-expression [-h] [-i INPUTDIR] [-o OUTPUTDIR] [-t TAG] [-u UMPERPX] [-s SCALE] [-c CYCLE] [--dotzarr]

Tile protein expression images

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i INPUTDIR, --inputdir INPUTDIR
                        Required: Path to parent directory containing CellStatsDir, RunSummary, AnalysisResults, and ProteinDir.
  -o OUTPUTDIR, --outputdir OUTPUTDIR
                        Required: Where to create zarr output.
  -t TAG, --tag TAG     
                        Optional: Tag to append to end of protein names.
  -u UMPERPX, --umperpx UMPERPX
                        Optional: Override image scale in um per pixel.
                        Instrument-specific values to use:
                        -> beta04 = 0.1228
  -s SCALE, --scale SCALE
                        Optional: Scale of expression images relative to raw,
                          use if decoded images are binned.
  -c CYCLE, --cycle CYCLE
                        Optional: Cycle to use, default is 1.
                        Optional: Add .zarr extension on multiscale pyramids.


stitch-expression -i path/to/parent/slide_folder -o path/to/napari_zarr